Functions in bold must be undertaken at the termly Full Governor Meeting, all other functions are delegated to the Standing Committee (of which all governors are a member) or to the Head Teacher, Lead Governors or Governor Group as appropriate.
Monitoring activities against the priorities of the School Development Plan will be commissioned at meetings or carried out by Lead governors
The main responsibilities to be managed by the governing body are as listed below |
Operational Governance
- To draw up the Instrument of Government
- To elect/remove the Chair and Vice Chair
- To appoint/dismiss the Clerk to the governing body
- To hold at least 3 Full Governing Body meetings each year
- To appoint and remove co-opted governors and any associate members
- To decide which functions of the Governing Body will be delegated
- To suspend a governor
- To receive reports from any Lead Governor or Work/Task/Focus Group to whom a delegation has been made and to consider whether any further action by the Governing Body is necessary
- To review the delegation arrangements annually
- To recruit new governors as vacancies arise
- To set up a register of Governors’ Business Interests
- To approve and set up a Governors’ Allowances Scheme
- To regulate the Governing Body procedures where not set out in law, and record these as Standing Orders
- To delegate to the Head Teacher appropriate functions
- To assign Lead Governors to monitor the priorities of the School Development Plan
- To arrange a suitable induction process and mentoring for newly appointed or elected governors
- To audit individual and collective development needs and promote appropriate training
- To ensure the Head Teacher provides such reports as requested by the Governing Body to enable it to undertake its role
- To receive reports on racial incidents.
General Matters
- Regularly review the vision and values of the school and ensure that these are shared with all stakeholders
- To take an active role in School Self Evaluation, monitoring success in all areas and identifying areas requiring improvement
- To update and review regularly the School Development Plan
- To review regularly how the school is regarded by pupils and parents
- To ensure the school has in place all statutory policies and to keep these under regular review, consulting with representative stakeholders as appropriate. To approve policies on review.
- To ensure that the school does not discriminate against pupils, job applicants or staff on the basis of race, religion, gender, age disability or sexual orientation.
- To ensure the school has a Complaints Procedure for Parents and that parents know how to raise concerns and make a complaint
- To ensure that the governing body complies with all other legal duties placed upon them
Finance Matters
- To approve the first formal budget plan each year
- To engage in strategic planning
- To agree a 3 year budget
- To analyse and recommend the annual budget
- To annually review and approve the Finance Policy and recommend levels of delegation
- To annually review and approve the Charging and Remissions policy
- To make decisions in respect of service agreements and insurance
- To approve annually the Statement of Internal Control (SIC)
- To approve annually the Best Value Statement
- To review and take account of any consultations to change the LA Finance Scheme
Staffing Matters
- To make Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher appointments
- To determine the staff complement
- To agree a pay policy and pay discretions
- To establish a governor panel to hear staff appeals against dismissal and redundancy
- To dismiss the Headteacher
- To end the suspension of staff or Headteacher
- To determine dismissal payments/early retirement
- To agree/reject the curriculum policy
- To monitor the curriculum policy
- To establish a charging and remissions policy for activities.
Performance Management
- To establish and review and approve annually a Performance Management Policy
- To determine the timing of the performance management review cycle of the headteacher and appoint two or three governors to act as reviewers
Target Setting
- To approve and publish targets for pupil achievement
- To monitor pupil achievement against published targets.
Discipline and Exclusions
- To establish a discipline policy
- To review the use of exclusion and decide whether or not to confirm all permanent exclusions and fixed term exclusions
- To direct the reinstatement of excluded pupils.
Premises and Insurance
- To develop a school buildings strategy or master plan and contribute to LA Asset Management Planning arrangements
- To procure and maintain buildings, including a properly funded maintenance plan
- To seek advice from the LA to ensure adequate levels of buildings insurance and personal liability
- To receive annual site report.
Health and Safety
- To institute a Health & Safety policy
- To ensure that Health & Safety regulations are followed and appropriately prioritized
- To receive annual Health & Safety Inspection Report and agree any actions.
- Admissions: application decisions and funding streams
Collective Worship
- To ensure that the school provides teaching of religious education for all pupils in accordance with the agreed syllabus or has informed parents of their right to withdraw their child
- To ensure the school provides an act of daily collective worship in accordance with the denominational nature of the school.
School Organisation
- To set the time of the school sessions and the dates of school terms and holidays
- To publish proposals to change category of school
- To propose to alter or discontinue special school status.
Information for Parents
- To ensure that the school keeps parents and prospective parents informed by publishing a school prospectus
- To approve the School Profile
- To adopt and review home school agreements
- To consider forming a federation or joining an existing federation
- To consider requests from other schools to join a federation
- To leave a federation.
Extended Services
- To decide to offer additional activities and agree what form these should take
- To cease providing extended services provision