Medical Information Letter – NHS



Dear Parent/Carer

This is a letter to support you in understanding the guidelines regarding the giving of medicines in schools.  Medication can be given in school if it is brought into school in the original container labelled by the chemist, with the young person’s name, date of birth, dose and timing of the medication.  Antibiotics can be administered if it has to be given 4 times a day or more. The enclosed form must be completed and signed by you and sent with the medication.

Emergency treatments such asthma sprays, epileptic medication, to be given in an emergency also need to be in correctly labelled containers. Epilepsy medication must have an up to date treatment plan from the children’s consultant and signed consent form, this will be stored at school.

The bus escorts must be informed by you that medicines are being transported to school with your child.

Your school uses the Local Managing children and young people’s Identified Health Needs; it is guidance for schools from the Local Authority and the NHS Sheffield. This identifies best practice for all children and young people with health needs.

Please complete and return the enclosed form to your school. Medication cannot be given unless this form is completed and signed by you.

Please note that if your child requires regular pain relief you need to send the medication in to school (in a correctly labelled container and a signed consent form), as school no longer has a stock off pain relief.

You will be required to update this form at least on a yearly basis.

Hope this is helpful for you as moving school can be a very stressful time for families and young people, if you have any further worries please feel free to contact the school nursing team on (0114) 2506865.

Yours sincerely



School Nursing Team



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