Dear parents / carers
Firstly, I want to apologise for having to close the school to students today, and for the late notice. This was not a decision taken lightly and as a leadership team we looked at all options to try to keep the school open. The closure is due to the number of staff who have opted to follow union guidance around concerns for staff safety with regard to the Coronavirus and is in line with Section 44 of the Health and Safety at Work Act. Unfortunately, we do not feel that we have enough staff available to ensure the safety of students at present. We will be working with the local authority and public health team today to implement testing arrangements for staff and investigate any possibility of testing students effectively. We hope that this will allow us to re-open as soon as possible.
Class teams will be contacting families in order to support home-learning and we will keep you informed of plans to re-open the school to as many students as we safely can as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely
Carolyn Sutcliffe